Offsite Space Resources
Need help finding a location for your offsite meeting? Take a gander at this list for ideas by City.
Meeting Rooms
Director's and Executive Assistant Manual
Position Descriptions, Resume Materials, and Interview Advice
Director's Manual
Executive Assistants Manual
Thanks to the Department of Enterprise Small Agency Financial Services for creating this manual in 2013.
Below is information collected on position descriptions, interviews and resumes. Use this information to update your own materials, or share with those you mentor.
Resumes and Materials
When leadership changes, sometimes Executive Assistant positions become vulnerable to change, as well. We find this particularly true when a new Governor enters the mansion. Most EAs know, you have to be able to hit the ground running! There are also opportunities throughout the years when your name is recommended, are you ready to answer the call? In 2011 EAG members provided the following resources for members to enhance his or her resume to be prepared!
Resources including transferable skills sets, the ABCs of great cover letters, and a checklist to ensure your resume gets through technology and to the recruiters and hiring managers.
Washington Career Bridge. Find the education and training you need to get the job you want!
My Next Move. This site provides a career search that may help point you in the another direction.
You wouldn't be in your position if you were not good at your job. However, even the best executive assistants have trouble answering interview questions. What to do? What not to do? What questions should you ask the interviewer? We recommend in addition to reviewing the information below, that you also find a peer to practice. We all know, practice makes perfect!
Last, here's a collection of news clippings appropriate in reviewing when preparing for a job search. This includes articles on verbiage, negotiating pay, social media, and what hiring managers are looking for in today's economy.
Survey of Directors, 2016
In conjunction with the Resume and Recruitment Work Shop hosted in June 2016, EAG conducted a Survey of Directors asking what skills and attributes are essential in quality Executive Assistants. Here's what they had to share:
Necessary Skills and Attributes

Position Descriptions
State of Washington Executive Assistants are generally exempt employees. Agency directors need the ability to hire and fire at will, to be able to confide in his or her assistant, and need to have flexibility when assigning work to an EA. Because of these reasons, each EA position is unique and there is no one size fits all description. We've gathered these tools to help you put together a position description that is true to you and the needs of your organization.
Sample Large Agency Executive Assistant Position Description
Sample Small Agency Executive Assistant Position Description
Principle Roles and Responsibilities List
Are you currently working on updating your position description? Please consider sharing your completed and approved position description for our website.
Building a Modern Work Environment
Executive Order from Governor Jay Inslee
Directs executive cabinet-level agencies and small-cabinet agencies to build a modern work environment and create an organizational culture that empowers employees with choice, enables excellent performance, supports all generations, and is mindful of our impact on the environment.
Workplace Modernization at Department of Health
Nikki Jonson and Deena Barnes​ from the Department of Health shared resources with EAG on July 6, 2016 on their progress in strategically supporting their people and the work they do. You can also enjoy the following video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oHvbFLDbdPU
Plain Talk
Presentation by Stefanie Randolph, Strategic Communications Team Manager, Washington Department of Health
Overview and tips provided by Stefanie Randolph with the Washington Department of Health. Presented on January 3, 2018.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Email and Calendar
Presentation by Aaron Wyatt, APR, Communications Director, Washington State Student Achievement Council
In this presentation, Arron Wyatt, Communications Director encourages teams to work together to agree on guidelines for email and calendar communications. Additionally, he shared a sample set of protocols utilized by his team at the Washington State Student Achievement Council.
Worksite Wellness
Handout from ODS
ODS provides 101 Low-Cost Ideas for Worksite Wellness. Categories include physical activity, nutrition, stress management, tobacco, and program support.
Hybrid Meetings - Best Practices
Hybrid Meeting Guide
Developed by an Ad hoc Committee, using the best practices of other EAs across the state.