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Become a Member in Good Standing

Membership in the EAG is open to any executive assistant and/or designee who would like to network and share common interests and services. The executive assistant may appoint one designee by submitting the name in writing to the Chair or Co-Chairs. 


An executive assistant is defined in our bylaws as one who provides primary administrative support to an agency head in the executive branch of state government as defined by the Washington State Government Organizational Chart. Currently, there are 79 executive assistants that are eligible for membership.


There is no cost to be a member of the Executive Assistants Group unlike similar private organizations. 


Participation in the EAG is encouraged for up to one year after vacating the position of executive assistant. If the member reaches the end of one year after leaving the position of executive assistant but is serving a term on the Executive Board, they will serve the remainder of their term of office.


Membership in the EAG will not be prohibited for any reason which would violate Chapter 49.60, RCW, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.


Membership Responsibilities
  • Actively support the Executive Assistants Group by participating in the monthly meetings.

  • Promote the mission and vision of the organization by volunteering for the various committees and events.

  • Share knowledge, best practices, and information.

  • Participate in informed voting on motions and annual elections.

  • Encouraging and mentoring your colleagues and peers.


Benefits of Membership


For You

Participating in EAG gives you the opportunity to...

  • Meet others who share your experiences on the job.

  • Gain leadership skills and increase confidence.

  • Find resources for your professional development and growth.

  • The opportunity to ask questions of peers in the same position.

  • Provide networking opportunities to meet "face to face" with the voice at the other end of the telephone line or email.

  • Opportunity to give back to the community by participating in local volunteer opportunities each year.

  • Find strong support and build lasting professional relationships.

  • Hone compentencies such as the ability to anticipate, interpersonal savvy, understand priorities, organizational skills, time-management skills, and more.


For Your Agency

Participating in EAG benefits your organization by...

  • Unique training and mentoring for new or developing Executive Assistants.

  • EAG members return to the agency and use and/or implement ideas and best practices.

  • EAG encourages growth with opportunities to step into leadership roles, management, event planning and more.

  • Provides skills and increases confidence of regularly attending members. 

  • EAG provides helpful resources, such as contacts, meeting space information, and much more.

  • EAG partners with the Governor's Office and publishes the State's Correspondence Guidelines.

  • The networking provides contacts throughout state agencies.

  • Hearing the issues and challenges other agencies are facing firsthand and sharing best practices.

  • Annually sponsors conferences and workshops for state employees.

  • Opportunity to learn how other organizations are responding to Executive Orders and law changes.

  • Up to a $5,000 value as similar organizations that provide these resources have membership fees.

  • Provides free training relevant to executive assistants and a positive learning environment.

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